Unity 버튼에 마우스 클릭 이벤트 사용하기
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
//Make sure to attach these Buttons in the Inspector
public Button m_YourFirstButton, m_YourSecondButton, m_YourThirdButton;
void Start()
//Calls the TaskOnClick/TaskWithParameters/ButtonClicked method when you click the Button
m_YourSecondButton.onClick.AddListener(delegate {TaskWithParameters("Hello"); });
m_YourThirdButton.onClick.AddListener(() => ButtonClicked(42));
void TaskOnClick()
//Output this to console when Button1 or Button3 is clicked
Debug.Log("You have clicked the button!");
void TaskWithParameters(string message)
//Output this to console when the Button2 is clicked
void ButtonClicked(int buttonNo)
//Output this to console when the Button3 is clicked
Debug.Log("Button clicked = " + buttonNo);